ORCID (Open Researcher & Contributor ID) is a free, open, non-profit organization that aims to uniquely distinguish researchers from one another by providing a unique persistent digital identifier, an ORCID iD, that exists indefinitely. An ORCID iD disambiguates a researcher and their work, with the goal to ensure researchers get the proper credit for their research. Additionally, an ORCID Record is a unified collection of a researcher’s biography, publications, and additional information that can be imported into other systems, such as an NCBI SciENcv Biosketch, reducing the manual re-entry of the same information across multiple systems.


With an ORCID iD you can:

  • Be distinguished from every other researcher, even researchers who share your same name, or if your name changes
  • Have your research outputs and activities be correctly attributed to you
  • Include your ORCID iD in publications, which can automatically populate on your ORCID record
  • Save time when filling out forms by importing information from ORCID; enter once, reuse often
  • Connect with trusted organizations so that they can read and auto-update your record with any new research activities
  • Use granular permissions to control what information is publicly available, available only to trusted organization, or available to only you.
  • Funders and publishers are increasingly requiring an ORCID iD to be included in application and submissions processes
  • Your ORCID iD is yours, for free, forever
  • Add your ORCID iD to your UT Dallas Profile to automatically import research activities and information
  • Grant a trusted individual access to your record as a delegate to curate your record


Use your ORCID iD whenever you need to reliably connect your research activities, increase discoverability, improve recognition, and obtain correct attribution for you work.


Navigate to ORCID and choose the institutional login option to register for an account using your UT Dallas NetID. Visit our Wiki for more information.

Data Security & Compliance 

ORCID is secure and complies with UT Dallas policy BP3096. Your ORCID record only captures and contains information that is publicly available. ORCID understands the fundamental need for individuals to control how their data is shared and provides tools to manage information visibility.

Funder Requirements for ORCID

As of January 2020, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) now requires an Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID) for all trainees, scholars, participants, and mentors. In addition, certain cases will require an ORCID to be linked to an eRA Commons personal profile.



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